Messe Dortmund and trade association FEH NRW making further improvements to elektrotechnik

elektrotechnik • 8. September 2023

Superb prospects, with nearly 90% of this year's exhibitors and trade visitors now planning to attend the 2025 show

Between 12 and 14 February 2025, the Messe Dortmund halls are once again set to become the centre of the electrical engineering sector as the 44th elektrotechnik show focuses on innovations in building equipment, industrial equipment, energy and heating technology. As well as the informative specialist forums, visitors from the electrical trade, electrical and electronic producers and wholesalers, and those from the architecture, planning, energy consulting and energy supply sectors can look forward to a highly varied supporting programme. 

Dortmund, 7 September 2023 – Following the success of elektrotechnik 2023, Messe Dortmund and the North Rhine Westphalia Electrical & Information Technology Trade Association (FEH NRW) are continuing to work intensively on the next editions of the trade show and the direction these are to take in the years ahead. elektrotechnik 2025, which opens its doors between 12 and 14 February 2025, will be followed seamlessly two years later by the impressive 45th show: elektrotechnik 2027. The show, launched in Dortmund over 50 years ago, has developed into a firm feature within the industry, and one with a long tradition. Every two years, it puts the spotlight on the key topics of future importance including buildings technology, industrial technology and energy technology.

Among other things, the move to electrical heating technology is a major point of interest. This is a development that is increasingly occupying minds in the electrical trade – particularly in terms of using solar power and storing and transmitting heat – presenting it with new challenges. “As the largest electrical trade association, we are the technical and conceptual sponsor of elektrotechnik in Dortmund. A look at the history of elektrotechnik in Dortmund shows that the show is truly irreplaceable. It's here that we provide the inspiration for our industry, whose tasks include implementing the move to renewable energies, including heating technology,” explained Martin Böhm, President of FEH NRW. One of the challenges in the move to renewable energy and heating is the acute shortage of skilled workers. According to current estimates by the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts, there is a shortage of 250,000 skilled workers in the skilled crafts sector as a whole. And that trend is on the increase. With an increase of around 4% per annum, the number of apprentices in the electrical trades in North Rhine Westphalia has nevertheless bucked the trend and grown to over 11,000. With the occupational safety forums of the Werk-Stadt initiative and ETEM, the industry body for occupational accident insurance and prevention, an unparalleled space has already been created at elektrotechnik specifically for sustainable advancement of young talent with a view to ensuring the best possible support for the upcoming move to renewable energy and heating. 

Move to renewable energy and heating: elektrotechnik chooses an integrated approach

Significant retrofits of buildings and industrial facilities will be necessary to drive the energy and heating transformation in this country over the coming years and decades. These only make sense if the energy status of the entire building is considered and building work is comprehensively interlinked using state-of-the-art buildings technology. “It's not a matter of the industry adapting to these changes, important though that is. Using elektrotechnik as a platform, it can also familiarise itself with these new technologies and remain successful into the future,” said Sabine Loos, chief show organiser and Managing Director of Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe which owns and operates the Messe Dortmund venue. From the installation of solar power systems and heat pumps  to building automation and intelligent control systems, energy storage and charging infrastructure, elektrotechnik – whose influence extends far beyond North Rhine Westphalia – covers all the relevant bases. 

Andreas Müller, representing the exhibitors who are members of the German Electro and Digital Industry Association (ZVEI), emphasised: “elektrotechnik in Dortmund will present the entire range of electrical installation systems – from building wiring to building automation, and from intelligent control systems to renewable energy solutions. The show makes an indispensable contribution to ongoing development and networking in our sector of industry. This is where experts and innovators come together to present and discover the latest technologies, products and solutions,” said Andreas Müller, Trade Show Representative of the ZVEI.

This February, elektrotechnik welcomed almost 400 exhibitors from twelve countries. “The numerous innovations on show were warmly received by exhibitors and trade visitors. Visitor numbers, the quality of the trade audience and the expertise of the points of contact at the venue were equally impressive,” continued Sabine Loos. The show has an unparalleled presence of industrial and technology companies. At its Dortmund base, elektrotechnik has access to a dynamic, high-growth environment with 80,000 businesses – 22,000 of them in Dortmund alone – as well as 140 world market leaders in the neighbouring region of Southern Westphalia. This is one of the reasons for the sophisticated and high-calibre exhibitors who inspire visitors to the show. Two thirds of the trade visitors are in decision-making roles or otherwise significantly involved in purchasing decisions. Many key players and opinion leaders in the electrical and electronics sector come to the show (but do not attend any other show with similar content), including representatives from the trades, wholesalers and retailers, planners, production managers and people from the energy sector. “Nowhere other than at elektrotechnik is it so easy for electrical tradespeople, producers, wholesalers, energy supply companies and local authorities to establish contact with manufacturers and suppliers, and at the same time obtain a compact overview of the wide range of products and services on offer in the sector,” emphasised Martin Böhm.

Further satisfaction boost – industry looking forward to elektrotechnik

Against this backdrop, it's hardly surprising that around 88% of this year's exhibitors are already in favour of returning to elektrotechnik 2025. In addition, elektrotechnik recorded a further increase in visitor satisfaction, with 94% declaring themselves 'satisfied' or 'very satisfied' with their visit to this year's show – and with 89% planning to come back in 2025. 

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