• "At a time when sustainability, energy efficiency and digitalization are becoming increasingly important, the Dortmund trade fair for electrical engineering offers an invaluable opportunity to stay at the cutting edge of technology. It promotes the exchange of best practices and cooperation between manufacturers, service providers and users."

    Christian Heep, Vize-Präsident, Bundesverband eMobilität (BEM e.V.)

  • "For energy consultants, elektrotechnik 2023 was the ideal platform to find out about current developments and future-oriented technologies. We are convinced that the upcoming edition in spring 2025 will successfully build on this in Dortmund. Because only here will numerous innovative developers and well-known providers meet proven industry experts on this scale. Direct exchange in an extensive network is indispensable in such a rapidly developing environment in order to convey our know-how and bring consultants together with exhibiting companies."

    Benjamin Weismann, Geschäftsführer des GIH (Bundesweite Interessenvertretung für Energieberatende)

  • "Elektrotechnik in Dortmund will present the entire range of electrical installation systems - from building cabling to building automation, from intelligent control systems to renewable energy solutions. The trade fair makes an indispensable contribution to the further development and networking of our sector. Experts and innovators come together here to present and discover the latest technologies, products and solutions."

    Andreas Müller, Messebeauftragter des ZVEI Fachverband Elektroinstallationssysteme

  • "As the largest trade association for the electrical trades, we are the technical and ideological sponsor of electrical engineering in Dortmund. A look at the history of electrical engineering in Dortmund shows that the trade fair cannot be replaced by any other format. Here we provide the impetus for our industry, whose tasks include implementing the energy transition, including heat technology."

    Martin Böhm, Präsident des FEH NRW

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