With minimal cable and energy consumption, frogblue wirelessly links lights, blinds, fans, windows, doors, heating, door intercoms and normal light switches. We are the energy-saving alternative to expensive cables and energy-guzzling control cabinets. Frogblue offers everything from smart electrical installations to fully networked buildings with user and access authorization.


What makes us special

Frogblue has been the pioneer of wireless and Bluetooth® based electrical installation for years. We have developed the system of the future and are the energy-saving alternative to expensive cables and energy-consuming control cabinet.
Frogblue fits to every switch program and if you want, you can even call several functions from one light switch. Our big advantage is that only the switch and luminaire positions have to be defined at the beginning of the project and the actual switch functions, toggle switches and building-wide actions only have to be configured afterwards.
The frogs switch or dim lights in color and brightness, register the pressing of light buttons, secure and open doors, position blinds and activate fans centrally or time-controlled. Control functions are exchanged via a wireless Bluetooth® network.
To the product
Our expert tool ProjectApp allows the integration of new modules and functions into an existing system at any time without affecting the existing functionality. Therefore, a frogblue system can be adapted to new requirements even after years.
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