A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG is active in the business field of measurement and regulation technology for the energy sector and big & medium-sized industrial enterprises. Our products as well as services secure and improve the availability of the energy supply and help the integration of regenerative energy sources into the grids.


What makes us special

A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG is active in the business field of measurement and regulation technology for the energy sector and big/medium-sized industrial enterprises. Our solutions improve the availability of the energy supply and help the integration of regenerative energy sources.

Our solutions:
⚡ »REGSys®« - automatic voltage regulation
⚡ »LVRSys®« - low-voltage regulation
⚡ »PQSys« - fixed installed power quality-analysers
⚡ »PQMobil« - mobile power quality-analysers & data logger
⚡ »Power Quality Services«
⚡ »EORSys« - earth fault detection & compensation
Mobile und fest installierte Netzanalysatoren
PQMobil – our mobile network analyzers
»Reliably detect voltage drops/voltage fluctuations and mains pollution such as harmonics, flicker and transients«


PQSys – Our Permanently Installed Power Quality Network Analyzers and Fault Recorders
»Be prepared today for the requirements of tomorrow«
To the product
»LVRSys®« - die kosten- und zeiteffiziente Alternative zum Leitungsausbau
»LVRSys®« - the Cost and Time Efficient Alternative to Line/Grid Expansion
»Cost and Time Efficient, Easy to Install, Flexible & Low/No-Maintenance«

The »LVRSys® – Low-Voltage Regulation System« was developed to solve voltage stability problems in the low-voltage grid due to the integration of electromobility, photovoltaics and heat pumps in the low-voltage grid. It represents an economical and flexible alternative to costly and time-consuming line extensions.
To the product

Your contact persons

Wolfgang Reitmeier
Markus Wittmann
Dennis Forstmann

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