PFISTERER is a globally leading and independent technology company with head offices in Winterbach near Stuttgart, Germany. We develop, produce and sell technology for insulating and connecting electrical conductors for power grid interfaces - from the generation and transmission to the distribution of electrical energy. In this way, we contribute to a secure and sustainable energy supply for the future.


What makes us special

Neue Niederspannungsverbinder | New low voltage connectors
PFISTERER reinvented the conductor channel for low voltage bolted connectors. Not only does the heart shape offer advantages in terms of easier installation,
but the electrical and mechanical properties of the connectors have also been significantly improved. Proven contact and design features have been
taken from the medium voltage SICON bolted connectors and adapted to the specific requirements of low voltage. The result is a new generation of bolted connectors that sets new standards.
1 kV Abzweigmuffensets | 1 kV tap-off joint sets
Tap-off joint sets from PFISTERER combine reliable connection and excellent insulation with versatility and easy installation. Proven ISICOMPACT and SCK cable tap-off connectors ensure reliable electrical contacts that remain stable over time. Our cast resin joint boxes permanently protect cable connections and branches from moisture, alkaline earths, and the ingress of dust or other foreign bodies.

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